316 models and activities promoting cultural traditions of ethnic minorities created for gender equality goal

VWU Vice - President Nguyen Thi Thu Hien and Vice Chairwoman of Dien Bien Provincial People's Council Giang Thi Hoa chair the seminar.
In her opening remarks at the seminar, VWU Vice - President Nguyen Thi Thu Hien stated that the VWU at all levels has focused on implementing programs, projects, and initiatives aiming at improving the life of ethnic minority women. The implemented activites focus on advocacy and mobilization of women to promote the cultural identity of ethnic minorities, change their mindsets and behaviors, eliminate gender stereotypes and outdated customs, thereby contributing to promoting gender equality among ethnic minority communities. As a result, good cultural customs, through women from ethnic minority communities, have been preserved, promoted, and passed on to future generations.
VWU Vice - President Nguyen Thi Thu Hien speaks at the seminar
Regarding the activities of Project 8, as of February 2024, in 28 out of 50 provinces and cities under the project, 316 models and activities with approximately 26,630 participants have been created to promote good cultural values of ethnic groups, contributing to the advancement of gender equality. Most of models and activities focus on three groups, including: (1) Models and activities related to traditional culture, arts, and sports; (2) Models and activities related to preserving, conserving, and promoting cultural heritage associated with traditional craft villages; (3) Models and activities aiming at promoting good cultural values of ethnic groups associated with community tourism development.
Participants at the seminar
These models and activities have contributed to improving cultural and spiritual lives and accelerating economic empowerment for VWU members and women, thereby enhancing their status, and empowering them to have a more confident voice in the family, to participate in and benefit from the development outcomes. The active participation of VWU members and women in cultural activities linked to economic development also contributes to improving social awareness and community perception and promoting more active men’s involvement towards gender equality.
Delegates share local good practices and lessons learned
At the seminar, delegates shared local good practices and lessons learned as well as proposed numerous solutions to improve the quality, effectiveness of models in the context of in-depth integration, modernization, and digital transformation. Additionally, the seminar identified potential models that can exploit the strengths of natural and social factors in ethnic minority areas to develop the economy, preserve, and promote traditional cultural values. Delegates also highlighted mechanisms and policies for better cross-sectoral coordination to enhance the quality, scale, and sustainability of models. This contributes to promoting gender equality and ensuring women’s substantive participation in the socio-economic development in ethnic minority areas.
Photo exhibition of models and activities
Click the link for more information about Project 8.