VWU’s e-commerce training courses

In the Covid-19 context, the e-commerce market has become more lively than ever. Digital technology and new distribution channels have become an effective solution for Vietnamese businesses to overcome difficulties. E-commerce brings new opportunities from market demands on the basis of changing consumers' purchasing habits, i.e. the shifting from traditional buying habits to buying online.

Fifteen women’s e-commerce training classes were organized by the Vietnam Women's Union (VWU) from November 8th to November 13th. Taught at these classes were trainers and experts from the Vietnam E-commerce and Digital Economy Agency (iDEA) under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MOIT), Vietnam E-commerce Association (VECOM), SME 1 on 1 mentoring network and e-commerce business owners. Trainees are enterprise managers, women household business owners, cooperative and co-op groups or women managers. Women trainees were guided how to use business tools on the e-commerce platforms effectively.

There was an overview session and 14 specific sessions divided by sectors such as agricultural products (raw and processed ones), handicrafts, health care, beauty, fashion, etc.

Virtual e-commerce training for women was a joint effort by the VWU and UN Women

In the opening ceremony, the trainees were also given an overview of Vietnam's 2021 e-commerce, indicators of market demands during the Covid-19 pandemic, customer behavior study and selection of sub-markets, and current effective commercial channels with respective advantages and disadvantages. In particular, they were guided on how to build business brands in the online environment, attract online customers from free of-charge channels, and select a specific strategy for each product, etc.

The VWU’s training program has helped women, especially women start-ups, business owners and cooperatives to familiarize themselves with and enter the ever-expanding e-commerce market.


Translated by VWU International Relations Department

