Thanh Hoa Women’s Union increases care, consultancy and support for people with HIV/AIDS
A training course on increasing care, consultancy and support for people with HIV/AIDS and anti-HIV/AIDS activities has just been held by the Thanh Hoa Provincial Women’s Union for 70 volunteers and information providers from districts of Tho Xuan and Ngoc Lac, Bim Son town and Thanh Hoa city and staff from the provincial Women’s Union.
The training course is a chance for volunteers and information providers to become fully aware of how to prevent HIV/AIDS and reduce HIV transmission rate, stigmatization and discrimination and improve the living standard of people with the disease, care for people with HIV/AIDS at home and in the community and prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission.
Additionally, information providers were also trained in skills to consult people with HIV/AIDS and skill to solve health-related situations and reduce the danger of being infected with HIV/AIDS.
The training course was aided by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Nhan Dan