Madame Nguyen Thi Kim Thuy, Vice-President of VWU reported the results of 5 years implementing vocational training and job introduction of VWU (2002 – 2007). In the past 5 years, the Union has developed and upgraded a network of vocational training and job services including a school and 40 centers at the provincial/municipal level; strengthened the organizational structure and staff of centers (including 137 cadres in charge; 13 directors in charge, 27 directors who are the leaders of provincial/municipal women’s union; 112 trainers). The Union’s schools and vocational training and job introduction centers actively developed training programs, manuals that were suitable to the condition, standard and demand of women by means of diversified and flexible training methods attracting more than 142 thousands trainees (women accounting for 82%) who were rural labor, poor people, ethnic minorities, and disabled people. Among them, more than 52 thousand people have received certificates. Furthermore, the Women’s Union’s system of vocational training and job introduction also cooperated with related agencies to organize vocational training for nearly 760 thousand trainees (including over 93% women); did consultancy work and introduced jobs for nearly 700 thousand people, created jobs right away after training for more than 350 thousand labors … Thanks to these programs, many women have jobs, better income and stable life contributing to the implementation of State and Party guidelines for poverty reduction, prevention of human trafficking, domestic violence, social evils to name a few.
However, the report as well as ideas at the conference mentioned about the difficulties in the vocational training and job introduction of WU’s system: no comprehensive vocational training project for women; poor physical facility, and human resources and low quality of training. As a result, many rural, middle aged, poor women remained untrained and the rate of vocationally trained women is low, a number of women get married to foreigners. Some are trafficked and involved in social evils. Moreover, women themselves, especially rural women have low educational level, lack of confidence, low awareness and family burden.
To solve these difficulties, the participants discussed on proposing a vocational training project for women in 2009 – 2015 to the Government for approval.