Socio-economic development targets for 2007

In 2007, Vietnam strives to speed up economic development to reach an increase of 8.2-8.5% in GDP and raise the economy's growth quality and competitiveness.

1. General target


The country aims to push up economic growth, raise the economy's efficiency, sustainability, growth quality and competitiveness. More active efforts will be made to boost international economic integration and implement the commitments agreed with the World Trade Organisation, improve the quality in education, vocational training and human resource development and health care. Strong measures will be taken to timely solve urgent social issues, reduce pollution, improve the environment. Attention will also be given to perfecting the organisation and functions of the State apparatus at different levels so as to meet the targets in administrative reform and international integration.


2. Main targets


a) Economic targets:


* GPD to increase by 8.2-8.5%

* Added value of agriculture, forestry and fishery to increase by 3.5-3.8%

* Added value of industry and construction to increase by 10.5-10.7%

* Added value of services to increase by 8.0-8.5%

* Export turnover to increase by 17.4% and import turnover, 15.5%

* Investment for the society to account for 40% of GDP

* Increased rate of consumer prices to be kept lower than economic growth


b) Social targets


* Raise the number of cities and provinces completing the universalisation of junior secondary school education to 40; enrolments of tertiary and higher education to increase 10%; technical secondary schools, 15% and long-term vocational training, 16.5%

* Birth reduction: by 0.3%ס

* Jobs to be created 1.6 million people including the sending of 80,000 workers to other countries.

* Poor households to reduce to 16%

* Malnourished children to reduce to 22.3%


c) Environmental targets


* Forest recovery to reach 39%

* Safe water to be supplied to 67.2% of the population in rural areas and 80% in urban areas.

* Settlement of establishments causing serious pollution to stay at 50%

Source: The resolution adopted at the tenth sessio

