Passive smoking – a cause to many dangerous diseases for women and children.

This is the comment of many experts at the Conference on passive smoking for women and children to be held by the Research Center (Women Cadres School) and the Public Health Awareness Institute on 17-18 April 2007.

According to WHO (World Health Organization), at present, in the world there’re about 1.1 billion smokers and this number may increase to 1.6 billion by 2025. However, passive smokers - mainly women and children, who often have to breathe the smoke around much outnumber active smokers,


Researches have resulted in the finding of 4.000 poisonous chemicals in cigarette smoke of which 43 o­nes can cause cancer. Normally, the volume of out breath by a smoker is 5 times bigger than the volume of his in breath.


The smoke comes from a burning cigarette is 21 times more poisonous than the out breath of a smoker. Women suffered from passive smoking for a long time may get cancers or diseases of respiration, nerves, nose and ears… and be at risk of late pregnancy, infertility, premature birth giving, unexpected miscarriage since the smoke can destroy oocyte. For children, the smoke can cause them sudden death, acute or chronic respiratory diseases, middle-ears inflammation.

Vietnam is o­ne of the countries, which have the world’s highest records of smoker ratio. However, the public awareness is still limited. Neither active smokers nor passive smokers are aware of dangers of cigarette smoke which may be harmful to the community, especially women & children.

According to the Information Center
Translated by the Int’l Relations Dept.,

