Lonely teen hearts in Hong Kong

HONG KONG: Social workers in Hong Kong are urging caution after a survey found one in ten teens find casual sex acceptable during the holidays.

They said teens may exercise less self-control as they are feeling more lonely during the festive season.

Social workers from the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups said they have received more calls o­n their hotlines from anxious teens during the festive season.

Cecilia Ng, Unit-in-charge Youth Line with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, said: "They tell us they are feeling lonely and miserable when they are single during Christmas time. They are dying for a partner first, to spend the holiday with him."

The federation recently conducted a survey o­n over 1,600 secondary school students from 31 schools. The study shows a quarter of those polled craved a romantic date during the holidays, while o­ne in 10 teens find o­ne-night stands acceptable during the festive period.

With alcohol in the mix during parties, social workers warn low-self control can lead to unplanned teen pregnancies and catching sexually transmitted diseases.

With many craving affection at this time of year, some may be looking o­nline for love. However, social workers are concerned this will leave teens more vulnerable to o­nline predators.

The federation is concerned, that over 15 per cent of the teens surveyed said they would start an o­nline relationship with someone they had never met in person.

"There might be some o­nline predators, and they are looking for some innocent teens purposely, to lure them for some sexual activities or some abusive purpose," said Ms Ng.

Social workers are reminding youths that celebrating the holidays with close friends and family is also a happy occasion, and being single during the holidays, is not the end of the world.


(Soure: CNA)


