Action on rights for older women

Countries that have ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) will in future be asked to consider older women when they report on progress.

 This will be part of a general recommendation o­n older women, which the CEDAW committee, at its 42nd session in Geneva in November 2008, decided to develop.


The general recommendation will guide the 185 countries that have ratified the convention o­n how they can better protect older women’s rights. A working group has been set up to draft it.


HelpAge International welcomes this move. “Many older women are subject to abuse and discriminated against because of their age as well as their sex and ethnic origin,” says Bridget Sleap, HelpAge International Rights Policy Adviser.


“In many countries, discriminatory laws and practice prevent older women from inheriting property, owning land or finding employment. We’re delighted that the committee has chosen to develop this recommendation which will help protect older women’s rights.”

HelpAge International

