“5 Without-s and 3 Clean-s”: many families escape from poverty

Among the campaign criteria, the 5 Without-s include Without poverty, violation of law and social evils, domestic violence, violation of population policies, and having malnourished and school drop-out children; the 3 Clean-s are comprised of clean house, kitchen, and surrounding streets.
With its easy-to-understand and practical approach, the campaign has been widely spread and actively responded by VWU members and women with numerous creative models and good practices, thus contributing to economic development and building new rural areas.
In Tien Giang province, the results of the campaign contribute actively to building new rural areas though effective actions such as donating land and contributing labor to construct rural infrastructure, waste treatment and environment protection, preventing and controlling pollution, planting flowers to improve countryside landscape, mutual assistance in household economic development, poverty reduction etc.
In Mai Son district, Son La province, the Women's Union proactively participates in building new rural areas and civilized urban spaces by registering with local authorities at least one specific activity to take part in each year. The Women’s Union focuses on poverty reduction, a key indicator, by encouraging members to diversify crops and livestock, apply technology in production etc. These initiatives have created jobs, increased incomes, and improved market access for WU members, thus contributing to local economic development.
According to the VWU, over more than 10 years, the Campaign has been widely implemented, achieving many encouraging results. It has become the "brand" of the VWU which is well recognized and highly appreciated by the Government and related agencies, sectors, and branches, attracting the enthusiastic response and contribution from many women and people nationwide.
Ms. Truong Thi Thu Thuy - Head of the Family and Social Affairs Department of VWU, said that the VWU is conducting grassroots level research to propose criteria of the family of "5 With-s and 3 Clean-s" (5 With-s include with safe house, with sustainable livelihood, with good heath, with knowledge, with civilized lifestyle). The "5 With-s and 3 Clean-s" is built upon existing "5 Without-s and 3 Clean-s" criteria to elevate rural standards for advanced and exemplary communes and promote positive family values.
Translated by VWU International Relations Dept.