Lao Cai Provincial Women's Union opened Breastfeeding Club

Breastfeeding Club was established with the aim to provide breastfeeding knowledge and skills for WU members and women. It is a model to be replicated in the community for sustainable practice of breastfeeding.

Implementing direction of the Central Vietnam Women’s Union (Center for HIV/AIDS Prevention and Reproductive health care) of carrying out breastfeeding promotion activities, Lao Cai WU has chosen Binh Minh and Thong Nhat wards (Lao Cai city) to build the pilot model of “breastfeeding” club in the province. The model is implemented from July 2012 to the end of December 2012 integrated with credit component funded by the local Women’s Development Loan Fund.

During the 6 months of operation, the club plans to organize 6 club meetings with 8 topics to provide club members with useful knowledge, especially for women at childbearing and small child feeding age, such as: the formation of mother’s milk, breastfeeding situation, difficulties and challenges during breastfeeding, necessity of breastfeeding ... In addition, club members also learn how to breastfeed and give children supplementary food in the best way. Joining the club, women also have more opportunities to exchange and share experiences in life and in upbringing their children.


Apart from child care knowledge, club members also have access to loans provided by the ward’s Women Development Fund to develop household economy and improve their living.

The Club is o­ne of the practical activities of Lao Cai Provincial Women's Union to implement emulation movements and 6 main tasks of Vietnam Women's Union. 


Translated by the Int’l Relations Dept

