British friendship society works for AO victims

The Britain-Vietnam Friendship Society (BVFS) ran a booth selling Vietnamese handicraft products at the “Coin Street Festival” in London on June 14 to raise fund for Vietnamese child Agent Orange victims.

Items o­n sales were collected by BVFS President Len Aldis during his numerous visits to Vietnam.

Len Aldis said that money from sales will be channelled to the Vietnam Red Cross to cover orthopedic surgeries or buy wheelchairs for AO child victims.

He affirmed that the BVFS will continue the struggle to gain justice for over 3.5 million Vietnamese AO victims.

BVFS has made an o­nline petition to President Barrack Obama and US congressmen to protest against the US court’s rejection of Vietnamese AO victims’ lawsuit. The petition has so far been signed by a large number of Vietnamese people and foreigners. 

