Poor people to get priorities in health care
The Government will retain its key role in investment in health care in the next 10-15 years, particularly for poor people, said Health Minister Tran Thi Trung Chien in an recent interview with the Vietnam News Agency. -
Government cares for trafficked victims
The Vietnamese Government on January 29 issued a regulation instructing assistance to trafficked women and children to reintegrate into the community. -
VWU’s Plan on Laws communication for Women in 2007
On 24th May 2007, the VWU’s Presidium promulgated the Plan No. 39 for disseminating and educating laws for women in 2007. -
Workshop for inputs and comments to develop communication materials on Gender Equality
Three sets of materials, which were discussed at a workshop for inputs and comments to develop communication materials on Gender Equality (G.E) on 24 May, are G.E Communication Handbook, GE Questions and Answers, and folding paper introducing some regulations on GE violation, G.E in the fields of politics, culture, education, family to name a few. -
Workshop “GIPA project and Service providers”
The workshop “GIPA project (Greater involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS) and Service providers” was held recently by Ho Chi Minh City Women’s Union. Attending the workshop were representatives of GIPA Project’s Central Management Board, Ho Chi Minh WU and agencies and organizations working in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention. -
Lai Chau Women’s Union: Launching an Emulation Movement in Celebration of the Xth National Women’s Congress
To celebrate the X th National Women’s Congress, recently, the Standing Committee of Lai Chau Women’s Union has launched an emulation movement with a range of targets: -
Women’s Union in Moc Chau district, Son La province: 2007 Contest Festival for Communication on Drug and HIV/AIDS Prevention
This is an activity to enhance awareness on drug and HIV/AIDS communication and prevention, especially awareness of drug prevention by families for a community without drugs addicts for all strata of women and ethnics within the district. -
Woman serves disabled in region
HA NOI — Dao Minh Phuong has devoted her life to helping children affected by disabilities and Agent Orange become fully integrated into society. -
Compassionate Embraces
Lying under the roof of the calm Dieu Giac Pagoda in the new urban area south of Ho Chi Minh City, Dieu Giac Orphanage is home to over 130 unfortunate children -
US television discusses consequences of Agent Orange
A report about the consequences of Agent Orange in Vietnam has been screened by American PBS Television.