Carbonated drinks: be careful
After reading through these pages, those who produce carbonated drinks are likely to be outraged, while those who consume them die slow deaths. Where does the truth lie? Read on. Medical research comes up against the drinks lobby. -
Are you OLD beyond your years? Take these easy tests to discover your TRUE body age
Counting the years: Looks can be deceiving - take this test
Thousands ofl servants carry HIV virus
Dr Somyot Kittimunkong, director of the Aids division at the Disease Control Department, said yesterday that some 20,000 bureaucrats each year seek reimbursement for the cost of antiretroviral medicine at the healthcare unit. -
UN forms commission on use of resources for women’s and children’s health
The United Nations is establishing a high-level commission charged with developing an accountability framework that will link resources committed to women and children’s health with the results they are intended to achieve. -
Leftovers, raw and other foods to avoid
Meat and fish -
Global Recommendations on Physical activity for Health
Globally, six percent of deaths are attributed to physical inactivity. This follows high blood pressure (13%), tobacco use (9%) and is equal to high blood glucose (6%). Moreover, physical inactivity is the main cause for approximately 21–25% of breast and colon cancers, 27% of diabetes and 30% of ischaemic heart disease burden. -
Move: 10 tips for not abandoning exercising
The motivation of the beginner may diminish as the days pass. Here's how not to give up Those who decide to abandon the sedentary to walking or even running usually report high motivation in the first week of physical activity. With each passing day, however, the motivation may decrease, especially if there is no planning for the exercises. Have company and be at a nice place to encourage physical activity. -
Reducing child mortality rates a top priority
Each locality should prioritise its investment in ethnic and poorer regions to protect the lives of children, said an official of the Ministry of Public Health. -
Measles campaign to vaccinate 7.5m children
A new campaign launched by the Ministry of Health, including two vaccinations against measles for children aged between nine and 18 months, will cover 7.5 million children nationwide from September 24, in an effort to cover at least 95 percent of the target population. -
Integrating HIV/AIDS with Women’s and Children’s Health Programmes Critical to Success
“Addressing HIV/AIDS and improving women’s and children’s health are inextricably linked,” said United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. “One cannot succeed without the other.”