Most viewed album
01/08/2019 5295443
Vietnam - Russia Women’s Forum themed “Joining hands to promote sustainable development” on July 22, 2019 -
02/12/2021 4866073
Meeting to commemorate the 60th anniversary of relations between Vietnamese and Cuban women on October 8th 2020 -
14/12/2021 4809851
Seminar on Supporting women in digital transformation amid the Covid-19 pandemic towards sustainable development on October 20th, 2021

Forum Women, Cybersecurity and STEM on March 29, 2023
19/04/2023 1484962

Colourful beauty of Lo Lo ethnic costumes
02/12/2022 1783699
Imprints of the Vietnam Women s international cooperation since 2000
22/01/2022 2392650
The 8th Vietnam-Korea Women’s Forum on July 21st, 2021
14/12/2021 2399383

Gathering 90 years of companionship for development on December 10th, 2020
14/12/2021 2413219