Gia Lai WU: Training on supporting women in economic development and collecting data/information

On June 26th, Gia Lai WU organized the training: “Supporting women in economic development and collecting data/information” for 37 district/town/City WUs Presidents Vice-Presidents and staff of provincial WU.

The workshop’s dealt with collecting data o­n credit and saving programs managed by all levels of the WU.. It also looked at monitoring methods and processes for the trust fund as well as the tasks and functions of the Central WU Department(formerly Social and Welfare Department) in supporting women household economy development.

This is an opportunity for WU staff to refresh and improve their knowledge and skills related to the trust fund in order to make the loan provision to poor households and other beneficiaries of social welfare to stay o­n track.

Tran Thi Huong - Gia Lai WU
Translated by Le Hang

